Topsfield, Mass. — August 5, 2001
Judge Ron Lambert, Owner/handler Jim McManus and Breeder Sara-France Saint-Pierre with
ARBA CH Icy Truffles de La Cotonnerie
Truffles Completes
ARBA Championship
We are pleased to announce that Icy Truffles de la Cotonnerie has completed his American Rare Breed Association (ARBA) championship. Truffles was named Winners Dog four times at the New England Classic in Topsfield, Massachusetts to earn his final four CAC-US points. To be named an ARBA champion a dog must;

• Obtain nine (9) Certificate of Aptitude Certificates for Championships in the
United States (CAC-US) must be obtained from six different judges.

• Be at least six months of age to receive a championship.

• Receive a excellent rating as described on the First Place Certificate to be eligible for a CAC-US.

Our thanks to all the judges for their high regard of Truffles.

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